Weekly Notes #5 – Master of Sadness

Weekly Notes #5 – Master of Sadness

This week’s Note was a hard nut to crack for me. I am going through a personal emotional process that is taking up a lot of my bandwidth, but is still too fresh and vulnerable to share publicly in this way. Nonetheless, I wish to stay true to my intention to share something of myself every week. Because my fingertips will not produce anything that is not at least related to what I am feeling currently, for this week I choose Master of Sadness.

It is one of the songs I wrote in the US in 2011. It serves as a reminder that tears are indeed a healing force. So often we try to resist our urge to cry, forgetting that we need to pass through the veil of tears to come out on the other side wiser, stronger, and at peace with what is (and ‘what is’ may still include feelings of sadness that remain). Sometimes the veil is thin and we might be able to catch a glimpse of what lies beyond, but more often the it appears like a wall and we have no idea what awaits us on the other side. This song reminds me of how important it is to find the courage to take the plunge, and feel. It holds the promise that every time, my tears will dry eventually and I will find peace.

Master of Sadness

As long as my tears fall
I remain open
As long as my tears fall I’m healing my soul
As long as I’m crying, I will keep on hoping
By shedding these tears I will make myself whole

Don’t let this sadness drag you down in despair
Let it flow through you and become aware

We all do our mourning, we all have our griefs
It challenges life and it shakes our beliefs
But within this moment there is sweet release
And that is how tears are a doorway to peace

As long as my tears fall
I remain open
As long as my tears fall I’m healing my soul
As long as I’m crying, I will keep on hoping
By shedding these tears I will make myself whole

For within this moment there is sweet release
And that is how tears are a doorway to peace
Yes within this moment there is sweet release
And that is how tears are a doorway to peace

© Sanna Songbird

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